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Social Media Landscape In Singapore

Social Media Infographic

Singaporeans are one of the most active social media consumers in the world.  The landscape of social media in Singapore is ever-changing. We have put together an infographic about social media in Singapore (usage statistics) to help you in planning your social media strategy and selecting the right platform available at the right time to achieve the greatest strategic impact for your business.

Social Media is here to stay and we can expect social media to continue evolving. By following up closely with these trends, you can actually peek into the future to see what are the up-and-coming social media platforms and how you can tap on them for brand building and marketing.

  • The total population in Singapore was last recorded at 5.4 million people in 2013 and there are 4 million users of Internet. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • 74% of Singaporeans uses social media regularly. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • Average numbers of hours per day spent by social media users in Singapore on all social media channels is 2.1 hours. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • 31% of internet users in Singapore were between 25 and 34 years old. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • There are more men users on the top social media channels than women. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • Singapore has gone social and women are more social than men in Singapore. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • Facebook is top social media network in Singapore with 3.8 millions registered users. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • Singapore has 70% of social media penetration; more than double the global average of 26%. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • One in every two Singaporean uses social media to make purchase decision. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • In Singapore, iPhone users are more active on Facebook than Android users. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • There are more iPhone users on Facebook than Android users in Singapore. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • About 25% of the total Linkedin users are in managerial role. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • According to Google Trend, Instagram has overtaken Twitter to become the 2nd most popular social media networks in Singapore. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • LinkedIn and Facebook are the preferred B2B social marketing platform in Singapore. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • The  top 3 job functions in Singapore are Sales, Operations and Engineering according to LinkedIn. (Tweet This Stat!)
  • 46.2% of Singaporean first research product reviews, user experiences and comments through social media such as Facebook. (Tweet This Stat!)

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Human Storage, Impressive Feats & Records

While technology continues to evolve, accomplishing previously unheard of feats of data storage and management, we still stand in awe at the amazing/ridiculous things that the human body is capable of. In the following infographic, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most incredible records in human storage. Enjoy, and be safe!

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Twitter Strikes Back

The latest Consumer Sharing Trends Report is here and Twitter is back from its slump, with a major growth trajectory of 43 percent. The Twitter flock flew right past Facebook (14 percent growth), LinkedIn (12 percent growth), and Pinterest (5 percent growth). Reddit also joined the top growing channels for the first time with 25 percent growth compared to 11% decline in Q4 2013. Sharing via email continues its steep descent, with 25 percent decline in Q1.

As consumers continue to share content such as articles, photos, videos and more via their social networks at unprecedented rates, another notable trend this quarter is that surges like Twitter’s are driven by mobile sharing, which surpassed desktop sharing in Q1. Sharing on mobile devices grew 2.5 times faster than sharing on the desktop at 28 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

In addition to measuring the growth by social channel and device, our Q1 2014 report also looks at demographic sharing trends, including age and race. Key findings include:

  • iPhone vs. Android battle heats up: While the iPhone still holds the lead for the mobile device people use to share most often at 25 percent, Android smartphones are closing the gap at 17 percent, which was up at the end of the quarter from 15 percent in January 2014.

  • Age matters: Reddit attracts the youngest demographic with the highest number of 18-30 year olds sharing content, whereas LinkedIn and Facebook see the most activity from older users. Twitter and Pinterest sharers tend to be younger than Facebook and LinkedIn, but slightly older than those sharing on Reddit.

  • Hispanic consumers are driving growth in sharing: Sharing by Hispanic consumers, who make up the fastest-growing consumer group in the U.S., reinforced our findings from the Hispanic Consumer Study. Compared to African American and Caucasian sharers, Hispanic consumers shared most on Twitter with 42 percent growth and Reddit with 36 percent growth.

The quarterly Consumer Sharing Trends Report analyzes consumer sharing behavior from Q1 2014 across nearly every social channel on desktop and mobile devices. The large-scale social data offers valuable insight into what, where and how consumers share online, which is not only a true indicator of interest and intent, but also a powerful way for publishers and advertisers to drive content and brand engagement.  Read More


Social Media 2014 Statistics – an interactive Infographic you’ve been waiting for!

social media 2014 stats

How fast Social Media is expanding in 2014? Do you know how many active users Facebook has? How fast Google+ is evolving? How many users have never tweeted after opening their account on Twitter? Do these numbers matter to you? Let me give you a quick example-

A friend of mine who has been struggling to hire a PHP developer was chatting with me and I suggested him to try Facebook ads to reach out good developers based on his desirable location and other preferences. He wasn’t ready to try this at all. I took the liberty and started some Facebook ads on my own, fixed a budget of $20 for a day for a pilot project. He was stunned to see the results, more than 23K people reached, 300+ visited the site and 43 forwarded their resume or called him. All this, just for $20.

effective facebook ads

If you’re managing social media for your businesses, it is important to keep track of statistics so it keeps your strategy in-line. Last year we received an overwhelming response with our social media statistics of 2013. This year again we have taken upon ourselves to answer all your questions about various social networks and their active/total users in 2014!

The infographic below covers all the latest Social Media facts, figures, numbers and statistics of 2014. Some of the mind-blowing facts are mentioned here:

  • 75% of the engagement on a Facebook post happens in the first 5 hours.
  • 53% of interaction between Google+ user and a brand is positive.
  • 44% of users on Twitter have never sent a tweet!
  • 84% of women and 50% of men stay active on Pinterest.
  • More than 2 users sign-up for LinkedIn every second.
  • 23% of teens consider Instagram as their favourite social network.
  • Weekends are the most popular time to share Vines.
  • Number of snaps sent per day on SnapChat is 400 Million. (Yeah! that’s true)
  • 40% of YouTube traffic comes from mobile.
  • B2B marketers using blogs generate 67% more leads. Check out more about lead generation through Social Media.

See Infographic


What People Share On Social Networks – Statistics and Trends

What People Share On Social Networks - Statistics and Trends

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