Monthly Archives: December 2014

Review of the Google’s new innovation: Taste new 3D virtuality experience with Google Cardboards

The virtual reality glasses made up of carton released in June at Google’s I/O Conference. Since then, the headset had been sold 500,000 units through several third-party vendors and continues to break records.
The project aroused such great interest that the company now thinks about doubling down on the headset.
The first thing that Google planned to do is to create Cardboard section on Play Store. Google Cardboard now has a selection of Cardboard-compatible apps and games. One of the most interesting features the application has that it allows users to experience virtual reality through Google Earth and YouTube.
Now that Google has its new Cardboard SDK for Android and Unity, it looks like that Google wants to get as much market share as possible by selling more Google Cardboards.
Google “Today we’re introducing Cardboard SDKs for Android and Unity. With both Android and Unity support, you can use the tools you already know and love “said in blog post.  Read More

Sony hackers dump more chunks of stolen data, promise another ‘Christmas gift’

Sony Pictures

The Guardians of Peace, the hackers who plundered Sony Pictures’ servers, has leaked more data swiped from the movie studio – and threatened a bigger document dump in the run up to Christmas in a set of sinister messages.

It comes amid claims the Sony subsidiary’s bosses knew its systems had been hacked, and sensitive information leaked, in late 2013.

 “We are preparing for you a Christmas gift,” said the first message, which was briefly posted on Pastebin and Friendpaste on Saturday, stating: “The gift will be larger quantities of data. And it will be more interesting. The gift will surely give you much more pleasure and put Sony Pictures into the worst state.”

The message included torrent links to a new 6.45GB archive of uncompressed data titled “My Life At The Company – Part 2,” according an analysis by consultancy Risk Based Security. The archive contains 6,560 files in 917 folders.

The message also included five anonymous email addresses for people to send in requests for what data should be released next.

The postings were taken down quickly “for legal reasons,” as Friendpaste put it. Given Sony’s legal barrage against the media, threatening dire financial penalties if any more of the leaked data is reported, both sites presumably thought it prudent to pull the plug.  Read More


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