Monthly Archives: October 2014

Take a second and answer this question………

Let us know if there is something you really want to see changed, or anything at all rant away!


Xbox One Limited Edition Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Bundle

  • Get the massive 1TB hard drive, custom console, controller and Limited Edition exoskeleton, plus Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition
  • The most advanced multiplayer powered by over 300,000 servers for maximum performance
  • Snap a game, live TV, and apps side-by-side, and switch quickly between them
  • Does not include Kinect
  • Limited quantities available
  • Buy It Here

Human Storage, Impressive Feats & Records

While technology continues to evolve, accomplishing previously unheard of feats of data storage and management, we still stand in awe at the amazing/ridiculous things that the human body is capable of. In the following infographic, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most incredible records in human storage. Enjoy, and be safe!

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The State of IT Security

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Design Free Websites

If you’re looking for high-quality free website design, free marketing tools and free resources and you want to know how to find “free stuff to build your websites” then you’re in for a welcome surprise!

I’ll show you the best high quality online sources to free website design, free marketing tools and free resources… the same ones I’ve used myself in my own online business.

Just know it makes no difference what your age is, where you live in the world, or your educational background, or how much you know about building a website because I can show anyone how to do this- using completely free stuff!!   What I’m about to share with you is how easily you can build your own profit generating home-based business with absolutely 100% free website building resources. Yes, you can build, operate and make money from your own free websites and the nice thing is you can do it right in the privacy of your own home and in your spare time!  Read More


Stock trading, buy your options now!

Are you involved in any way with the stock market?

Maybe you’ve got some stocks. Maybe you manage your own portfolio. Maybe you have an account with an online brokerage. Maybe you even trade stocks and options regularly.

Regardless of your level of involvement, the bottom line is that you are NOT a professional trader on Wall Street.

Therefore, you are trading with a huge handicap! Yes, you are at a major disadvantage…

UNLESS… you’re using ‘The Simple Trade System’.

There has never been a course like this.

This is the way real professionals trade, and if you’re not using this information you’re simply not doing as well as you could be doing. You see…

The market offers unlimited opportunities to players who understand what is going to happen next in the market.

It does not apologize for taking your money when you’re wrong. It doesn’t feel bad when you’re caught off-guard by a surprise move.

In fact, the market doesn’t have any feelings at all!

The market is not a person and it doesn’t care one little bit about the money you’ve gained or lost.

It fluctuates in a way that frustrates the majority of players, and rewards only the 5% of traders who understand that it’s NOT news, technical analysis, or earnings that make the market move.

The top 5% of professionals who make consistent profits in the market look at the market differently than ordinary traders (aka “retail traders”) .


How would you like to see those kind of profits in your account?

I can’t guarantee that you’ll achieve any specific results, but what I do 100% guarantee is that I’ll be giving you the EXACT SAME system and strategies used to make a consistent income like the screenshots above.  Read More

RC Powers

“How would you like to have the best flying performance with just 2 servos?”
It’s taken us a few years, but we found a way to TRULY get a plane to fly its best off of elevons only!

It works because the entire plane is designed around flying off of elevons only.
It is not an “after thought” that is “squeezed in” for the beginner crowd like everyone else does.

This all started with our own frustration of how hard it is to fly an “easy plane” with elevons only!
This was embarrassing because as an “expert” how am I losing control of these beginner planes?

We then thought that it must just be bad luck so we tried more beginner planes that flew with elevons only.
Every plane like this eventually went down and there was always someone there to see and laugh.

The big breakthrough was with our angled out verticals that created a self stabilizing yaw effect.
This made us happy because we thought we could use this to act as an “auto rudder”!

We were proud to show it off because this worked better than expected on the Su-34 V4 Super Trainer.
The people at the field said that it must be flying off of at least 4ch. Nope, just elevons only. Amazing!

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myMoviePass has the best rates online because we only charge you for your movies; there are no monthly fees, subscription rates, additional hardware or limitations of any kind. myMoviePass is simply movies in their purest form!  Upgrade both your home entertainment system and your computer’s media center with myMoviePass. Download the films that take full advantage of your home theatre. Watch the movies that promise to add a little more drama, humor, intrigue, suspense and mystery into your life! Get the most from your movies with enhanced, high-rez visuals and clean, super-crisp sound.  Read More

Twitter Strikes Back

The latest Consumer Sharing Trends Report is here and Twitter is back from its slump, with a major growth trajectory of 43 percent. The Twitter flock flew right past Facebook (14 percent growth), LinkedIn (12 percent growth), and Pinterest (5 percent growth). Reddit also joined the top growing channels for the first time with 25 percent growth compared to 11% decline in Q4 2013. Sharing via email continues its steep descent, with 25 percent decline in Q1.

As consumers continue to share content such as articles, photos, videos and more via their social networks at unprecedented rates, another notable trend this quarter is that surges like Twitter’s are driven by mobile sharing, which surpassed desktop sharing in Q1. Sharing on mobile devices grew 2.5 times faster than sharing on the desktop at 28 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

In addition to measuring the growth by social channel and device, our Q1 2014 report also looks at demographic sharing trends, including age and race. Key findings include:

  • iPhone vs. Android battle heats up: While the iPhone still holds the lead for the mobile device people use to share most often at 25 percent, Android smartphones are closing the gap at 17 percent, which was up at the end of the quarter from 15 percent in January 2014.

  • Age matters: Reddit attracts the youngest demographic with the highest number of 18-30 year olds sharing content, whereas LinkedIn and Facebook see the most activity from older users. Twitter and Pinterest sharers tend to be younger than Facebook and LinkedIn, but slightly older than those sharing on Reddit.

  • Hispanic consumers are driving growth in sharing: Sharing by Hispanic consumers, who make up the fastest-growing consumer group in the U.S., reinforced our findings from the Hispanic Consumer Study. Compared to African American and Caucasian sharers, Hispanic consumers shared most on Twitter with 42 percent growth and Reddit with 36 percent growth.

The quarterly Consumer Sharing Trends Report analyzes consumer sharing behavior from Q1 2014 across nearly every social channel on desktop and mobile devices. The large-scale social data offers valuable insight into what, where and how consumers share online, which is not only a true indicator of interest and intent, but also a powerful way for publishers and advertisers to drive content and brand engagement.  Read More